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Meal-kit company HelloFresh has dropped Lea Michele after her former “Glee” co-star Samantha Ware said Michele made her life a “living hell” on the show.
Ware tweeted on Monday that Michele made “traumatic…
Black-Owned Businesses in Fashion and Beauty to Support Now and Forever – Entertainment…
Black-Owned Businesses in Fashion and Beauty to Support Now and Forever | Entertainment Tonight
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The Buzz: Five construction sites rise in Grand Chute – Post-Crescent
Maureen Wallenfang
Appleton Post-CrescentPublished 10:25 AM EDT Jun 2, 2020Reader question: There’s lot of construction around Costco/Menards in Grand Chute. Three different sites. Any word on any? There is one in front of Menards,…
Social media is going dark for Blackout Tuesday. Here’s why the wrong hashtag can hurt Black…
As anti-police brutality protesters march across the nation, two black women in the music industry have created a movement for social media users to go dark for a day of protest. #TheShowMustBePaused is an industry-wide…
‘Plastic-free’ fashion is not as clean or green as it seems –
Natural fabrics could be as bad for the environment as their synthetic counterparts. Credit: kazoka/Shutterstock
We have all become more aware of the environmental impact of our clothing…
11 movies to watch that confront American racism –
“The opposite of racist isn’t ‘not racist,” Ibram X. Kendi writes in How to Be an Antiracist. “It is ‘antiracist.’” Kendi goes on to argue that being antiracist involves, in part,…
The Buzz: Restaurant to open Wednesday after nearly a year of delays – Post-Crescent
Maureen Wallenfang
Appleton Post-CrescentPublished 1:02 PM EDT Jun 2, 2020Opening a restaurant right now is especially difficult with reduced capacity and rigorous cleaning rituals under coronavirus standards.Imagine adding to that the…
‘Blackout Tuesday’ Draws Participants, And Skepticism, Across The Music Industry –…
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Demonstrators protesting the death of George Floyd hold up placards near the White House on June 1 in Washington, D.C.…
‘Plastic-free’ fashion is not as clean or green as it seems – The Conversation UK
We have all become more aware of the environmental impact of our clothing choices. The fashion industry has seen a rise in “green”, “eco” and “sustainable” clothing. This includes an increase in the…
Major Change Coming Between Studios And Movie Chains – Forbes
Out of 190 seats in the "Meeting Point" theater, only 34, with black marking caps, are to be used in ... order to uphold the social distance. (Photo by ELVIS BARUKCIC / AFP) (Photo by ELVIS BARUKCIC/AFP via Getty Images)