In the first Toy Story film, after Woody pushes Buzz out of Andy’s window through an elaborate series of accidents, it’s not too long before the other toys find out, and Woody becomes a pariah in his own community. Luck is on his side, however, as right before he’s pulled to pieces by the other toys, Andy chooses him as his replacement toy to bring to Pizza Planet.
On the ride there, Andy and his mom stop at a gas station where, to Woody’s surprise, he discovers that Buzz has been with them the whole time. Things could easily return to normal, if Buzz weren’t so willing to embrace the idea of violent revenge against Woody, a concept they don’t have on Buzz’s planet. But as Buzz is happy to relay to Woody, “We’re not on my planet, are we?” If only they were, then this troublesome twosome wouldn’t be dragged into a skirmish that throws them out of the van and leaves them alone on the asphalt.
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