The Buzz: Rumor of You’re Special store closing is false – Post-Crescent

Maureen Wallenfang

Appleton Post-Crescent

Published 4:32 PM EST Jan 21, 2020

You’re Special Gifts and Collectibles in Grand Chute is operating normally and isn’t planning to close anytime soon.

An inaccurate rumor circulating said it’s nearing its end. 

It’s true that owners Linda and Roger Kusserow would like to retire later this year, but they want to sell the business first to someone who will continue to operate it.

The large gift shop is at 801 N. Casaloma Drive in Grand Chute, and it’s known for its Swarovski crystal, Dept. 56, Christmas ornaments, baby gifts and piggy banks. 

“Our business is not closing. Our business is for sale. My husband and I have been here 21 years and we’re well into retirement age,” said Linda Kusserow. 

The Kusserows have been public about offering the business for sale. While they’ve had interest, they haven’t found a buyer so far.

“If a buyer doesn’t come up, maybe by mid-year we’ll make a decision to close. But right now that’s not the situation. We’re very hopeful that we’ll find a buyer,” Kusserow said. 

She said they’d like to see the shop continue, especially with so many other area gift shop owners retiring and closing stores. 

Scatter Joy closed last year, and Fresh Expressions is in its final weeks. Willows Bend, an upscale decor and gift shop, will close by April. 

Contact reporter Maureen Wallenfang at 920-993-7116 or Follow her on Twitter at @wallenfang.

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