Review: ‘1917’ Might Be The Best Movie Of 2019 – Forbes


Universal just dropped a bomb on the ongoing Oscar season, because Sam Mendes’ 1917 is indeed one of the best movies of the year, if not THE best. That’s a conversation for another day, but the single-take World War I action drama, concerning two grunts attempting to race across enemy lines to deliver crucial, life-saving intelligence to allies readying to wage war, is a genuine marvel of movie magic. With one brief, and entirely fair, exception, this entire 110-minute picture unfolds as a single long take as the camera swoops in and out, dives here and there and essentially creates the illusion of a real-time war flick for its duration. Are there cheats? Oh, I’m sure there are. But, honestly, who cares? Movie magic is about the illusion of reality, and 1917 absolutely sells the truthfulness of its core gimmick.

Beginning with a prologue that somewhat spells out how this movie will look and feel, we get a brief bit of exposition courtesy of Colin Firth. There’s an attack planned “over there,” but there’s word that the enemy is awaiting that attack ready to overwhelm the forces. Unless two soldiers, including one whose brother is among the troops waiting to wage war, can survive a trip from “point A” to “point B,” it will be a massacre. With the crucial letter in hand, our heroes (George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman) start walking. And, without getting into spoilers, the camera barely leaves them for a moment. What unfolds is a remarkable piece of action filmmaking, with the “How did they do that?” pizzazz of Gravity, the “you are there” intimacy of Dunkirk and the relentless tension of Mad Max: Fury Road.  

Sam Mendes and cinematographer Roger Deakins have created something truly unique even among a films explicitly set during World War I (including, among others, Come and See, All Quiet on the Western Front, Paths of Glory, War Horse and, yes, Wonder Woman). Inspired by stories told by Mendes’ grandfather about his time in the “Great War,” the picture commits itself to its singular purpose, with few if any digressions or asides beyond the race against time. Yes, this is arguably another great video game movie that isn’t based on a video game, but A) the notion of “looks like a video game” meaning an emphasis on choreography and coherency over frantic editing isn’t exactly and insult and B) being compared to Inception and John Wick is even less of an insult. Nonetheless, the gimmick creates a claustrophobic melodrama where every moment can bring violent death.

MacKay and Chapman are excellent, and the movie only works if we have an active interest in their survival and/or (relative) victory. Yes, we do see familiar faces here and there as they go about their mission, but the drama/emotion is entirely focused on our two unlikely heroes. There is a skewed irony in a decade dominated by fantasy blockbusters ending with a terrific war movie which takes Lord of the Rings, with J.R.R. Tolkien’s novels based upon his time as a World War I vet, and whose cinematic success kicked off Hollywood’s obsession with fantasy tentpoles, and essentially turns subtext into text. After decades of World War II movies, which allowed for easy stories of righteous combat and heroic sacrifice, it’s good that World War I, a far less logical and arguably less noble conflict, is (again) getting its spotlight.

There is little reason for me to spoil plot points or ponder “How did they do that?,” but just know that we get our share of conventional war action and several moments of less conventional combat, all which emphasis the arbitrary pointlessness of it all. There’s an early homage to what was essentially the first modern action sequence, there’s a stunning sequence set in a burned-out city and there are moments of grisly violence and unthinkable moral choices during the fog of war. Yes, this is an R-rated movie, but it walks a fine line between showing the horrors of war and being a Paul Verhoeven flick. Everyone is different, but if your kid is old enough to learn about the Great War in school, and can handle cinematic intensity, I’d argue they are old enough to see this movie in theaters.

1917 works because of and despite that jaw-dropping “single take’ structure. Like the best “gimmick” films, think Chris Nolan’s backwards Memento with a linear character arc, it works to enhance the story being told and at no point do Mendes and company use the visual marvels to detract from the narrative or justify a lack of other cinematic fundamentals. It works as a visual miracle, a violent action picture, a grim anti-war fable, a character play and an emotional roller coaster. It’s everything it promises to be, visually, narratively and emotionally, operating both as a technical blow-out and just a damn great movie. It’s a towering proof that there is still value in big studio theatrical movies beyond the surefire (and often quite good) franchise pics. It inspires hope that theatrical movie going may not be the first casualty of the streaming wars.

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