The Best New Movies to Watch on Netflix for November 2019 –

You plop down in front of the couch. You boot up your Netflix. You look at all the content available to stream. And you think to yourself, “WAGHHHHH!” There’s, like, so much to watch, right? Sometimes an overwhelming amount, right? Not to fear, fellow Netflixers. For just as we keep track of everything coming to the service, month to month, we’re also here to help you cut through the noise.

These five movies are available to stream on Netflix starting today, November 1, 2019. They’re some of the best the service has to offer, and they range the gamut from curios distributed by Netflix itself, to literally one of the biggest Hollywood blockbusters ever made. This November, be thankful for these five, high-quality movies you’ll be dozing in front of after the tryptophan kicks in.

And if you want more Netflix recs, check out these guides:

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