OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) – — According to CHI Health experts, one in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.
We recently spoke with Tisa Hardin-Partridge, who’s a 7-year breast cancer survivor.
Hardin-Partridge says she wants women to focus on how to live healthy lifestyles after they’ve gone into remission.
Although she lived a healthy lifestyle before her diagnosis, Hardin-Partridge says she’d always thought she’d end up with breast cancer.
“I just kind knew in my heart that that would happen to me,” she said.
Despite her healthy lifestyle, Hardin-Partridge developed the disease in 2012.
“I think my body was prepared for it,” she said. “I think my attitude was ready for it and I just knew it was some things I had to do.”
Treatments weren’t easy.
“There’s a lot of breakdown of muscles and bones, and of course you lost your hair and all that doing chemo treatments,” Hardin-Partridge said. “But that chemo treatment just kills a lot of cells and other things you really need going forward.”
Following her diagnosis, she developed a breast cancer support group, The Pink Lotus Project.
Their mission is to provide those holistic healing programs and services for those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Hardin-Partridge tells us it was difficult to adjust to her new normal after beating the disease.
“I know after treatment and after surgeries you got a new normal so you kind of gotta get your body back together,” she said. “Really try to figure out what works for you post cancer.”
Now, she focuses on the mind, body and soul.
“A big catch phrase now is living my best life,” Hardin-Partridge said. “If you’re not healthy you can’t live any kind a life.”
She recommends lifestyle changes, such as plant-based diets and more exercise.
A message echoed by Dr. Hadi Zahra with CHI Health.
“It’s not just about surveillance to ensure that we’re finding cancer recurrences, or if we do that therapies are being started at a much earlier phase, but also ensuring the well-being of patients.Dr. Zahra said.
Dr. Zahra recommends survivors limit alcohol intake, eat more fruits and vegetables as well as get at least 150 minutes of moderate actvity every week.
Hardin-Partridge adds, one of the biggest life-saving factors was knowing her family history.
“Just starting a conversation about what’s in our families, what’s in our backgrounds,” she said. “You know we have family reunions we talk about everything but health [we need to] kinda start having a conversation about health and how we can be more healthy as a family.”
Dr. Zahra agrees.
“Genetics has also been quite important not just for dealing for the existing cancer,” he said. “Also providing risk reduction strategies if someone is found to have a genetic mutation that does associate with higher risk of breast cancer or other cancer types as well.”
The Pink Lotus Project is hosting its 3rd annual Pink Pancake Feed Fundraiser.
The organization will share holistic healing tips with other breast cancer survivors.
The event takes place on October 26th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Clair Memorial United Methodist Church.
You can learn more about the Pink Lotus Project at,
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