Lady Gaga Now – Lady Gaga Now

Lady Gaga has made a surprise appearance on Comedy Central Roast: Alec Baldwin on Sunday 15th. She sent in a pre-recorded video message in support of her long-time friend and collaborator Tony Bennet’s foundation of 20 years: Exploring the Arts. Alec Baldwin and Comedy Central have teamed up to donate $1 million to Bennet’s charity, as announced by Lady Gaga.

As Lady Gaga put it in her message, “With all the arts funding being cut out of public schools, Tony Bennet and his wife founded Exploring the Arts in order to make a difference, by supporting public schools and their students to enhance their education with extensive exposure to all of the creative arts.”

Gaga’s announcement has met with enormous cheering and applause from the studio audience. Lady Gaga continued, “because where would it be without it?” referring to creative arts. 

She concluded her message playfully mocking Alec Baldwin but also reminding the audience of the importance of the arts: “So Alec. As they continue to destroy you tonight, just remember that it’s all for a cause near and dear to our hearts.”

Watch the clip below:


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