Prince George & Princess Charlotte’s Thomas’s Battersea School Curriculum 2019 –

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There are a lot of privileges that come with being born royal—but skipping out on homework isn’t one of them.

This fall, four-year-old Princess Charlotte will get her first real taste of the academic life, and the work that comes with it. She’s set to join her brother Prince George at Thomas’s Battersea, a tony private school in London. Six-year-old George, meanwhile, will be moving from Year 1 to Year 2, and will face an heavier workload.

According to Thomas’s Battersea’s website, students in years one and two study a dizzying range of subjects: Literacy, Numeracy, Science, History and Geography, RS, French, PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education), Art, Computing, Music, Swimming, Ballet, PE, and Games.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte play soccer while their dad takes part in a charity polo match.

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And it’s a big step up between the two grades. “By Year 2, the children become the Leaders of the Lower School,” Helen Haslem, Head of the Lower School, writes. “This increasing independence and maturity helps them to prepare for a smooth transition to the Middle School.”

The homework, too, is set to level up. On top of his weekly spelling list, optional online math activities, and daily reading (at least 10 minutes, per the school’s policies), George will be expected to become a fluent reader, and complete reading comprehension exercises.

Charlotte will start out easier in the Reception program (that’s what comes before Year 1). The curriculum is much looser, and she’ll only be expected to complete some daily reading at home.

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