Maureen Wallenfang
Appleton Post-Crescent
Published 10:04 AM EDT Jun 4, 2019
Reader question: Just in the past few days they demolished the pumps and the sign at the Marathon gas station at First and E. Forest, leaving the building, which is an eyesore. What are the plans for this building? Hopefully not just beer, lotto and Juuls.
Related reader question: The gas station at the corner of Oneida and Calumet was getting cleaned out. Do you know if there are any plans for the property?
Related reader question: Was wondering what’s going on with the Coonen’s Shell station in Seymour. Been closed for a few weeks and now the station across the street from it that was just built has Shell signs up.
Answer: All three of these reader questions are related.
Tuk Regmi, owner of a Shell gas station on W. Wisconsin Ave. in Appleton, assembled a group of three more fellow Nepalese immigrants to purchase or build three properties in the greater Fox Cities.
They include:
•The Marathon station at 309 First St. in Neenah, which has been closed for at least a year and a half, was purchased by the group in November. The state ordered them to remove the gas tanks because of the age of the tanks. The facility cannot sell liquor because of its proximity to a grade school. The group’s plan now is to create a building “for a community purpose,” said Regmi. “We are planning to do some kind of school, like a Nepalese learning center. We have to work with the city of Neenah with zoning. If we can’t do that, we would sell the property.”
So far, the group has not submitted a site plan to the community development office and Neenah plan commission for review, said Chris Haese, Neenah’s director of community development and assessment.
•The former Marathon station at the corner of Oneida and Calumet streets, in Fox Crossing, will be reopened as a gas station and convenience store, said Regmi. “It was supposed to be open already,” he said. Installation of new pumps, he said, was slow.
•In Seymour, this group purchased land and built a new station at 221 State 54. It is up and running as a Shell station, he said.
Coonen’s phone, meanwhile, goes to voice mail. It would not accept an incoming call Monday because the voice mail was full.
Contact Maureen Wallenfang at 920-993-7116 or Follow her on Twitter at @wallenfang.
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