Virgo: Valuable information could bring lifestyle changes – Lewiston Sun Journal

CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Tina Fey, 49; George Strait, 67; Reggie Jackson, 73; Robert Morse, 88.

Happy Birthday: Make things happen. Don’t sit back and think about what you want to achieve; get the ball rolling. Personal and professional partnerships will play roles in the way you move forward. Stick to the people who are most reliable and willing to meet you halfway. Physical improvements can be accomplished through fitness, diet and a healthy lifestyle. Your numbers are 3, 9, 18, 23, 27, 36, 47.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Explore your options, and don’t feel pressured to make a snap decision because someone else does. Bide your time, and do what’s best for yourself. You have to do what satisfies your needs, not what someone else wants you to do. 3 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Make plans with someone special. Communication will bring you closer to someone you love. A day trip will encourage you to set up a fund that will make your dream come true. Don’t waste money on products that promise the impossible. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Look at what’s being offered before you agree to get involved. Don’t let anyone put demands on you or tempt you to do something that is costly, unhealthy or unlawful. Trust will be an issue when it comes to joint ventures. 3 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don’t stop or take a break when you have so much to gain. Pump up your enthusiasm, and make a splash that will lead to greater popularity and opportunity. A change of heart will encourage more romance and less finagling. 5 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be reasonable. If you want to make an impression, do so by being reliable, not by promising the impossible. Emotions will surface when dealing with children or people you owe or who owe you. Breathe deep and do what you can. 2 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Visit a friend or relative, or attend a reunion that will get you in the know regarding people and interests you have. Valuable information will be offered that will help you bring about a positive lifestyle change. Romance is highlighted. 4 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Listen, take notes and do whatever it takes to avoid an argument. Keeping the peace now will buy you time to sort out your options and gather good advice from an expert. Being well-informed will serve you best. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Enjoy the moment, and delve into the things you enjoy doing most. Love, romance, creativity and spending time with people who inspire you will lead to new options and alternative lifestyles. It’s time to follow your heart. 3 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don’t let the little things get to you. Stay in line, and refuse to take a risk, even if someone encourages you to do so. Living by the rules and abiding with what’s acceptable will help you avoid trouble. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don’t worry so much about what everyone else is doing. Focus on positive changes at home. Make decisions and plans with someone you love, and you’ll come to an agreement that will make your life easier. Romance and physical fitness are encouraged. 3 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Do what you can to help others, but don’t take on responsibilities that belong to someone else. If someone wants to jeopardize his or her reputation, don’t put yourself in a position that will lead to blame. 2 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Get involved with people you know you can trust and organizations that you believe in. Taking on a project that will raise your profile or popularity is encouraged as long as you don’t go overboard. A romantic opportunity looks promising. 5 stars

Birthday Baby: You are lively, caring, generous and magnanimous. You are loyal and unswerving.

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