Keep walking – Lifestyle – Akron Beacon Journal

Sadness, worry, disbelief, might be good descriptions to classify the mindset we are experiencing today.
Twenty-four hour news cycles reminding us of a novel disease, job losses and economic insecurity threatening the way of life we’ve become accustomed, too.
Does the Christian message have anything to say about this? In the 24th chapter of Luke a mysterious figure appears along the roadside where two men are walking. These two men had placed their belief system, their economic and national hope on this one man, Jesus. Now He was dead.
The mysterious figure asks them what they are talking about, and why they are discouraged. He walks alongside; teaching them what Scriptures had to say regarding their dilemma. Finally, they stop and sit, sharing a meal together, as they spoke about the Messiah. Suddenly their eyes were opened to who this mysterious figure is, Jesus himself – and just as suddenly he disappeared. In that moment their passion was restored again as their “hearts burned within us as we talked on the road.”
Why do I tell you that story? In our sadness, worry and disbelief, we have a risen Jesus who has already claimed victory. Not only is he fighting for us but he is a personal Savior. One who will walk alongside in our discouragement; faithfully and kindly teaching, leading us into the truth of the Word of God. He will sit with us in our most mundane tasks reminding us that he loves his children.
Often we don’t realize his presence is with there, guiding and directing as the Faithful Shepherd of our souls. Remember the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:9 (KJV); the people of God are “cast down, but not destroyed.” Your life might be overwhelming in this moment; your circumstances coming at you wave after wave, but never forget you serve a Risen Savior who is guiding every step of the journey as “the captain of your salvation, perfect through sufferings.” (Hebrews 2:10 KJV)
Don’t be fooled that the Christian-life was meant to be lived with ease – Jesus took on our sin, suffering and dying for us that we might receive the gift of eternal life and communion with God. This was not the end of the story; on the other side of his suffering was a glory greater than the world has ever seen.
The same hope lies true for those who follow Christ today; “For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us” (Rom 8:18 CSB)
Keep walking; even if it’s one step at a time, Jesus has been there all the while.
— Joshua Cehulik is the assistant pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Ashland.
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