Be ready for new challenges, changes in lifestyle – The Tribune India

Open House: Residents share their opinion on how post- covid life will be?
Life will witness sea change
With the general opinion that Covid-19 is going to stay with us and we have to learn to live with it, I don’t think that life will be same again. People will be afraid to meet one another. Large gatherings and functions will be less frequent. Economy will recover at a slow pace. Migrant workers from various states will be afraid to return to prosperous states. Online education business will flourish. Shopping malls and cinemas will lose their customers. Unemployment will shoot up and poverty will increase, which will result in civil unrest in society.
JS Wadhwa
Social distancing to be new normal
Normal life of people is likely to be redefined in the post-coronavirus phase when the lockdown is lifted and the masses resume their daily routine. The very first change will be wearing masks as an essential accessory before stepping out. Social distancing norms will stay for years. The best lesson that Covid is teaching everyone is that we are living a basic life with essentials such as food, clothing and shelter. Post lockdown, people will lead a not-so-luxurious life and would love to stay home with their families. Work from home will be a new trend that will stay after lockdown too.
Handshakes, hugs will be things of past
Since the pandemic, whenever I answer a call my first response is to say ‘Sat Sri Akal’ or ‘Namaskaar’. And this habit will soon become a regular affair when we start coming in contact with people at public places. The age-old European custom of doing handshakes and hugging will become a thing of the past. And indeed these Indian traditions of saying ‘Namaskaar’ or ‘Sat Sri Akal’ is like saying to the other person “hey fellow, Remember God, remember the truth”. It also directs us towards good action and to follow nothing but the truth which saves us from all evils. Many other habits such as wearing face mask, gloves, maintaining social distancing may go away with time when this deadly virus would disappear. Lets greet all with ‘Sat Sri Akal’.
Tarun Preet Singh
Fight against virus a long-drawn affair
As the world grapples with Covid-19, one is tempted to look into the future with the hope that there must be a solution in sight. Current research, however, suggests that the fight against coronavirus is a long-drawn affair. How will this pandemic affect our lives? It is a question that has many answers. First and foremost, it has made us aware of the importance of washing our hands. This, hitherto, overlooked practice has the potential to save us from a lot of viral and bacterial infections. It is a habit which is bound to keep us safe in future. Now, social distancing is another desirable factor of our lifestyle. The virus has, therefore, taught us important lifestyle changes, which will protect us from the Covid as well as other ailments. Being a mental health professional, I have reasons to believe that the world is poised for a pandemic of psychiatric disorders even as it staggers towards normalcy. There is likelihood of a surge in the number of patients with depression and anxiety disorders. Hence, we should be ready to face new challenges, after the world overcomes the novel coronavirus.
Dr Gulbahar S Sidhu
Gesture of Namaste to continue for years
The Covid-19 pandemic has reaffirmed the value of personal hygiene and physical distancing. Greeting others by way of handshake, kiss, facial rubbing or in any other way that involves physical touch now appears to be risky as it may spread the disease. Centuries ago, Patanjali (Yoga Sutra II.40) advocted parair asamsargah, which means ‘no contact with others.’ Not so long ago, it was common to avoid unnecessary physical contact with others, to take bath before the start of the day, or after attending a funeral, having a haircut, or touching an impure thing. People removed footwear before entering a house or kitchen. After the end of the pandemic, the principles of hygiene will continue to be observed. Many have started to greet others with folded hands and by saying Namaste. This gesture might continue as a matter of precaution. Namaste has a scientific basis too. Hands, by energy and function, are ‘extensions of the heart’ as they help one to outwardly express the sum total of our intuition and consciousness. When palms are joined and kept close to the heart, multiple energy systems of the body are activated and balanced. Covid-19 has reminded us of the fact that reckless infringement of the laws of nature would prove to be disastrous for humanity. It has also exposed the fake babas and preachers, who make false claims about their healing ability.
Dr Satish K Kapoor
Commercial activities will get digitalised
The Covid-19 pandemic will greatly impact people’s general behavior for around three years, constraining social, cultural and religious gatherings. There will be a massive digitalisation of commercial and financial transactions and activities such as shopping and entertainment. But in the long run, there will be no major improvements in life style of a majority of the people who will slowly return to their original routines, once there is economic revival, ignoring basic issues relating to health, personal hygiene, sanitation and environment.
Jagdish Chander
Lockdown gave time for self improvement
The outbreak of Covid-19 has had profound, pervasive and far-reaching impact on various aspects facets of human life, including how we think, how we relate to others and what we value the most. It has reminded us of our physical fragility, undermined economic security, disrupted our daily routines, shattered our dreams and forced us into social isolation, stress and fear psychosis. The crisis has provided us with ample time to self-reflect and alter our behavioural patterns to cope with the prevailing situation and make our life happy and meaningful in the post-Covid period. While we pray for an early end to the contagion and complete lifting of the lockdown, it is imperative to ponder over one moot point. Whether we will continue with habits and associations ingrained during the quarantine? Whether we will exhibit the same empathy and kindness to keep communal bonds and humanitarian values intact? Whether we will stick to personal hygiene and cleanliness? Whether we respect the Mother Earth and its biodiversity? Only time will tell.
D S Kang
The pandemic to stay for long
Where will we all be six months from now? It’s something to think about after the swift change in our lifestyle due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Looking at its rapid rise, it isn’t going away soon. Events such as religious gatherings, cricket matches, kitty parties and visiting multiplexes will be put on hold. Famous philosopher and economist Chanakya rightly said “When the enemy is invisible, it is prudent to remain in the hiding.” It clearly suggest that prevention is better than cure. Though the virus has brought havoc upon the world, looking at it positively, it has helped the nature. We know nothing about the future but I can confidently say that with a dash of optimism and cooperation not only can we can flatten the curve but we can make countless lives easier.
Maanit Singh
Covid-19 cases are on the rise in the state. Do you think the state government has done enough to handle the situation well? What steps can be taken to contain the spread of the disease?
Suggestions in not more than 200 words can be sent to [email protected] by Thursday (May 14).
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