Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Congratulates ‘Class of COVID-19’ Graduates in SNL At Home Finale – Newsweek
Alec Baldwin returned to Saturday Night Live to play President Donald Trump, congratulating the ‘Class of COVID-19’ during a high school graduation in the episode’s cold open.
SNL’s remotely-produced “At Home” season finale began with Kate McKinnon, playing a school principal hosting a graduation ceremony on a Zoom call.
“I know this isn’t how you expected your high school career to come to an end, but uh, we’re all making sacrifices. I have had to share my child’s Adderall with him,” she told the graduating students.
She then informed the class that she didn’t mange to secure the guest speakers the class voted for, former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama, or the class’s next five choices, which included Axl Rose, “murder hornets” and Elon Musk and his girlfriend Grimes’s newborn baby.
So the class settled for eighth choice, Trump.
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Baldwin donned a red “Make America Great Again” hat to reprise his role as the president. “Congratulations to the class of COVID-19,” he said. “Wow, what an incredible energy and excitement I’m feeling right now.”
He told the students he was honored to be their “valedictator,” but added: “Today’s not about me, it’s about you. Although I should spend a little time on me first because I’ve been treated very poorly, even worse than they treated Lincoln.”
When one student pointed out that Lincoln was assassinated, Baldwin, as Trump, continued: “Lincoln would agree. He’s probably smiling up at me from Hell right now.”
He then explained to the class that they are lucky to be graduating right now because there are “so many exciting new jobs out there” such as “grocery store bouncer,” “porch pirate” and “amateur nurse.”
He added: “I’m going to make sure colleges are open in the fall. Online college is a scam, and I should know. My online college was ranked number one craziest scam by U.S. news every year it was open.”
As the class start chanting Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name, Baldwin responded: “Sure everyone loves Fauci. Don’t you hate when these elite medical experts tell you what to do?”
He then starts to cough and takes a drink from a bottle of Clorox bleach, dubbing it “invincibility juice.”

“Look, I’m going to be honest with you guys,” Baldwin’s Trump continued. “I know this is hard so I’m going to give you some real advice. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything, look at me.
“I started as the son of a simple, wealthy slumlord and grew to become a billionaire, a president and the world’s leading expert on infectious diseases.
“Surround yourself with the worst people you can find so that way you’ll always shine. If you don’t understand something, just call it stupid… never wear sunscreen… and live everyday like it’s your last because we’re going to let this virus run wild.”
He then told the class his favorite inspirational quote. “Reach for the stars because if you’re a star, they’ll let you do it,” he said.
“Thank you, class of 2020, and let’s have the greatest summer of our lives, who’s with me?”
Baldwin then broke character before opening the show with the words: “And taped from my home, one last time, it’s Saturday night.”
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