Lifestyle: 10 things to do while practicing social distancing – The Round Up

If you are practicing social distancing and now have a ton of free time, you might be wondering what to do in the coming weeks. Well do not fear, we have some great ideas to keep you busy and learning new things about yourself!
1. Drawing
Around your house, you are bound to find some paper and a couple of pencils. With just these two things, you might find there is a hidden artist within you.
2. Painting
If you are like me and over the years have collected way too much paint, then this is your time to shine! Please pick up your paintbrush and put down your canvas, it’s time to get busy discovering the Picasso within you!
3. Puzzles
This might sound boring. This activity might keep your brain in check while you’re stuck doing the least in your apartment!
4. Crafting
All of those five-minute craft videos you watched on Facebook? Well, now is your chance to start trying them! As you may know, most of the time, it is going to take you more than five minutes, so this should help the time go by!
5. Painting Old Jeans
Have you seen all of the cute pockets girls are painting on their jeans? Well, now is your chance to really make them happen! First, go through your closet and find your old jeans that you don’t really wear much. Then go through your paints and pick your colors. Now it’s time to paint! For cool designs, check out Pinterest and see where your creativity takes you!
6. Netflix/Hulu/Disney+
With all of this free time on your hands, isn’t it time to start a new show? Well you are in luck. Netflix has just added over 60 new movies and TV shows, including some favorites like: The Shawshank Redemption, The Interview, He’s Just Not That Into You, On my Block (Season 3) and more.
Hulu just added over 50 new movies and TV shows for March including: Keeping up with the Kardashians (Season 17), Free Willy, Good Will Hunting, Leap Year and many more!
Disney+ recently added some classics to their lists of movies available, including: Doctor Dolittle 2, Ice Age and Bedtime Stories! They also added two of their newer films like Frozen II and Black Panther!
I hope that with all of these new choices, you can find something that keeps you entertained!
7. Taking a Hike
Cruces is the perfect place to take a hike with many trails within 30 minutes of you! Dripping Springs, Pine Tree Trail, Soledad Canyon Loop and many more are located right here in the Organ Mountains! These are a must-do if cabin fever is getting the best of you!
8. Reading a book
Wanting to get around to reading a book and never have the time? Well, now is your chance to start flipping those pages! Get caught up on all of those juicy romance books you never got the opportunity to read in high school!
9. Getting caught up on your household chores
If you are like me at all, these past few months have been hectic! Now that I have a little extra time on my hands, it’s time to start catching up on your laundry that you’ve been avoiding for a couple of weeks! This will help you feel better about the environment you call your home!
10. Playing Board/Card Games
Do you have a cabinet of board games just sitting in your house? Well, now is the time to pull those games right on out, but remember to stay six feet apart!
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