Star Wars Buzz: The Rise of Skywalker gets early digital release; Galaxy of Adventures season two premieres – SYFY WIRE

In today’s Star Wars news, our heroes from a galaxy far, far, away brought fans some hope during these, for lack of a better term, “dark times.”
First, reported by Variety, following in the footsteps on their early release of Frozen II to Disney+, Disney and Lucasfilm have released Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker early in digital format. Initially set for this Tuesday the 17th, Disney moved the release date up to Friday, March 13th before a weekend where most families will be staying home to practice social distancing during the coronavirus outbreak.
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Fans can purchase TROS from iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Vudu, and Movies Anywhere for 19.99 (24.99 in 4K). Fans can also buy the entire Sequel Trilogy for 39.99 or the whole Skywalker Saga for 99.99. The Rise of Skywalker will release on Blu-Ray/4K disc March 31st.
If animation is more your thing, Star Wars has also released the new trailer and first three episodes of Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventure on the Star Wars Kids YouTube Channel. These one-minute animated shorts stylize some of the best moments throughout the Star Wars saga and make them accessible for younger and first time Star Wars viewers. Check out the trailer below.
Video of Official Season Two Trailer | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures
The first episode depicts Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, and BB-8 escaping the First Order after a successful mission to gather intel.
Video of Rey and Friends vs. The First Order | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures
Viewers learn more about Kylo Ren’s obsession with his grandfather’s legacy with the Dark Side.
Video of Kylo Ren and Darth Vader – A Legacy of Power | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures
Finally, Rey embraces her destiny as the next generation of Jedi as she wields Luke and Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber.
Video of The Force Calls to Rey | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures
More episodes will premiere throughout 2020.
Video of All You Need To Know Before Rise Of Skywalker | SYFY WIRE
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