15 Of Our Favorite Women-Led Fashion Brands To Shop Right Now – Refinery29

We operate in a consumer space that’s largely shaped by the convenience of mega-retailers like Amazon and the capacity of fast-fashion labels to spew out trendy garments by the minute. With so much newness happening so quickly, it’s easy to forget about taking a step back and considering the ways our shopping behaviors impact the lives of women. So if there’s anything you do to commemorate IWD, take some time to reflect on your own relationship with retail. Look at the last thing you added to your closet and ask yourself where it was made, who made it, and how much she (because 80% of the time, it’s a woman) actually earned from your purchase. Maybe you know the answers to these questions, maybe you don’t. But we’re here to offer up some tools to make more conscious decisions next time you’ve got the urge to hit *add to cart*.
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