One Of The Longest-Running TV Shows Ever Is Ending – GameSpot

Judge Judy, one of the longest-running TV shows in history, is coming to an end. Variety reports that the show, which is hosted by Judy Sheindlin, will come to an end after its upcoming final season. Sheindlin is expected to make the announcement officially on Monday during Ellen.
The show will be on for its 25th season in the 2020-2021 TV season, but it will end after that, according to the report. Sheindlin is going to announce a new show, Judy Justice, according to the report, though there are no details yet on where it will air or what format it might take.
Sheindlin has a lucrative contract where she earns $47 million per year on Judge Judy. That makes her one of the highest-paid TV stars in the history of the medium.
Judge Judy is produced by CBS Television, which is a subsidiary of GameSpot’s parent company, ViacomCBS. Re-runs will continue to air on TV stations in America.
Judge Judy premiered in 1996. In addition to massive ratings, the show went on to win three Emmy awards and it became a pop culture reference point known to millions.
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