BUZZ: Ottawa Subway to move into new location Wednesday –
Subway in downtown Ottawa will open in its new standalone location Wednesday, just a half block south from its current site.
The plans are to close the Subway located in the shopping plaza at 1118 Columbus St. at 2 p.m. Tuesday. The restaurant will reopen, dining room only, at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, at its new standalone location at 1022 Columbus St.
Plans are for the drive through to open Wednesday, March 4. The 1,920-square-foot location will have the drive-through on the north side and entrances off of both Columbus and Washington streets.
The Times and NewsTribune are committed to keeping readers up to date with business happenings in the area. This can include the opening of new businesses and businesses that are closing. Much of our reporting relies on what we see and hear, but we’re also reaching out to readers for tips on business items. If you have a tip to share, email Brent Bader at or call 815-431-4045, or Ali Braboy at or call 815-223-6931.
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