Longmont Symphony at the movies and other Longmont-area events for Feb. 15 – Longmont Times-Call


CPR and First Aid Course — 8 a.m., Heart of Longmont United Methodist Church, 350 Eleventh Ave., Longmont; $40; 303-774-8585.

Singing Valentines — Singing Valentines delivered by a quartet from the Longs Peak Chorus; 9 a.m., Longs Peak Chorus, 1303 S. Bross, Longmont; 720-675-8247, longspeakchorus.org/dbpage.php?pg=view&dbase=events&id=109069.

Longmont Heart Throb Run 5k — Valentine’s Day themed 5K run in Sandstone Ranch Park, partnered with nonprofit OUR Center; 10 a.m. Saturday, Sandstone Ranch Park, 990 Colo.-119, Longmont; $25-$50; heartthrobrun.com/longmont.html.

Diversity Storytime: Celebrating Black History Month — Celebrate Black History Month with stories that highlight African-American authors and illustrators. See treasured favorites and brand new titles. Be sure to also check out our displays and book recom-mendations for all ages. For all ages. No registration required; 1 p.m., 409 Fourth Ave., Longmont; longmontcolorado.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/36341/1300?curm=02&cury=2020.

Valentine’s Cuddles at the Sanctuary — Come out to the sanctuary for Valentines Cuddles. This is the perfect gift for Valentine for every animal lover. We will have some hot cocoa on the house. Feel free to bring mouth sized cut up celery, carrots, cucumbers, apples and lettuce to feed the animals. We ask for a $5 dollar donation per person and $10 per family for this event. Please leave furry family members at home; 2 p.m., Good Life Refuge, 13759 N. 95th, Longmont; facebook.com/events/the-good-life-refuge/valentines-cuddles-at-the-sanctuary/2744533129113764.

Chelsea Gilmore Artist Talk — Chelsea Gilmore is an artist, writer and herbalist living and working in Fort Collins. She has always been inspired by the natural world and communicates this passion through her craft. Her work explores the boundaries of the familiar, the natural, the dream, memory, material and layered experiences of story; 6 p.m., Firehouse Art Center, 667 Fourth Ave., Longmont; facebook.com/events/firehouse-art-center/chelsea-gilmore-artist-talk/2587871714599314.

Longmont Symphony at the Movies — This family-friendly program features popular film music that reflects our life’s journey of adventure, love, nostalgia, and perseverance, including: “Chariots of Fire”, “Cinema Paradiso”, “Batman”, “Titanic”, “Lord of the Rings” and more; 7:30 p.m., Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, 600 E. Mountain View Ave., Longmont; $10-$25; 303-772-5796, longmontsymphony.org/concerts/pops-concert-2020.


LOCO Ukulele Jam — Whether wanting to learn how to play the ukulele or already do and want to join the fun, wipe off a uke and join in. Host Brian Rezac has extras for borrowing. Or, just come enjoy a beer and watch. All ages and levels welcome; 2 p.m. Sunday, Bootstrap Brewing Company, 142 Pratt St., Longmont; free.

Mozzarella, Ricotta and Burrata — Join us at our small dairy goat farm for this hands-on class. Learn an easy 30-minute mozzarella recipe that uses grocery store cow milk, including both a microwave method and a hot water/whey bath method. Learn what milks work best for this recipe and why, and then have some hands-on fun as we stretch the curd to create a deliciously fresh and flavorful warm mozzarella. We’ll also make a quick, fresh ricotta and then combine these two wonderful cheeses into an easy burrata — a tasty stuffed mozzarella treat. Enjoy the finished cheese with a complimentary glass of wine or sparkling cider. Register online; 2 p.m. Sunday, The Art of Cheese, 11227 N. 66th St., Longmont; theartofcheese.com/event/mozzarella-ricotta-burrata-with-wine-sparkling-cider-plus-farm-tour-200-pm.

Beer and Hymns Cheesy Love Songs Edition — Join us for a sing-a-along of old-school hymns mixed in with “Cheesy Love Songs” to celebrate the season of love; 5:30 p.m. Sunday,Dickens Opera House, 300 Main St., Longmont; free; facebook.com/beerandhymnsnortherncolorado.

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