There Are an Alarming Number of MCU Movies Missing From Disney+ – Showbiz Cheat Sheet
When Disney+ was first announced, there was some unfounded speculation that “everything” ever produced by Disney would be on the new streaming service. Now that the service is up and running, a glance through their service quickly proves this is not the case.
Disney+ does not seem to have a complete catalog in any particular category. Although Disney owns Marvel, about a third of the MCU films are missing. Some of the Star Wars movies are missing, as are some of the studio’s own classic animated movies.
Unfortunately for Marvel fans, it’s unlikely that they’ll ever have all 23 MCU movies all at once.
What Marvel movies Disney+ has and does not have
![Kevin Feige speaks onstage](
![Kevin Feige speaks onstage](
Here are the theatrical movies on the service as of November 21:
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain: America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame
And here is what’s missing from Disney+, with future availability dates if known.
The Incredible Hulk
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok – December 5
Black Panther – March 4, 2020
Avengers: Infinity War – June 25, 2020
Ant Man and the Wasp – July 29,2020
Spider-Man: Far From Home
We probably can’t have all the Marvel movies on Disney+
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That makes 16 movies that are on and seven that are not. Iron Man 2 and Endgame were late entries for launch. With what’s on the service now, We get the complete Iron Man, Captain America and Guardians of the Galaxy series, but among movies with more than one entry, we’re missing parts of Thor, Ant-Man, and Avengers. Perhaps the biggest bummer of all is that Disney+ does not offer both parts of what amounts to Avengers 4.
Except for the Hulk and Spider-Man movies, all the other entries are still on Netflix and will make their way to Disney+ later. Alas, the Hulk and Spider-Man movies may never be on Disney+, because Universal owns the rights to solo Hulk movies, and Sony has dibs on the standalone Spider-Man movies. One feature of Disney+ that has annoyed some fans is that the titles expected to be on Disney+ later, like Black Panther, show up on the service, but with only a placeholder listing the availability date.
So unless rights issues change, MCU fans will probably never be able to binge the 23 MCU films on Disney+.
What you can watch instead?
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Despite the early optimism, Disney+ never promised to offer absolutely everything. Four words: Song of the South.
The good news is that there is, and will be, other content related to the missing Marvel characters you can watch. For instance, Disney+ has a good number of animated Spider-Man cartoons, from 1981, 1995 and 2016, and you can see Tom Holland’s first appearance as Spidey in Captain America Civil War and his relatively brief run in Endgame.
Unfortunately, the animated cartoons from the 60s that gave rise to the famous Spider-Man theme are missing.
As for the Hulk, Disney+ has Hulk cartoons from 1996, and the cartoon Hulk and the Agents of SMASH. Regrettably, Iron Man Hulk Heroes United gets one of those pesky placeholder cards announcing that it’ll be available February 16.
And that’s not even mentioning the extensively covered MCU TV series, which will begin in 2020 with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and continuing into 2021 with WandaVision, Loki. What If and Hawkeye.
Then there’s She-Hulk, Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel coming down the streaming pike at dates to be determined. So MCU fans may be somewhat deprived now, but by 2021 Disney+ will be well if not fully stocked with MCU content. That’s two years to wait. That’s not even as long as “the blip.”
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