The 15 Best Movies to Watch When Bored –
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re currently bored or will be in the near future. Thankfully we live in a world where human beings no longer have to tolerate boredom.
Passing idle hours with things like stimulating conversation, playing cards, quiet introspection and reading books can now be classified as the wastes of time they’ve always been. Now that we can shout or type random words into a magic box that makes movies appear on our phones, laptops, airplane seats, bathrooms, etc., there’s no excuse for being bored.
So, in honor of the technological and cultural majesty of being able to watch just about anything anywhere at anytime, we present to you a list of 15 films that won’t get old no matter how many times you watch them, even after you’ve memorized all the dialogue. Behold, our list of the best movies to watch when bored.
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