Movies I Can’t Watch Anymore Because My Climate Anxiety Is Too Real – The New Yorker

“When Harry Met Sally”: It is unfair that Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan had twenty-plus years to figure out their relationship, but the United Nations gives my generation only eleven years to systematically change everything about society.

“Project X”: All the red plastic Solo cups are a trigger for me, especially now that China has stopped purchasing our garbage.

“Ready Player One”: Sure, it’s supposed to be dystopian, but doesn’t hosting an entire virtual universe like that require a lot of energy? What is powering these data centers? Coal? Bio-gas? There are a lot of important questions that are never answered, and society seems to function solely to service the plot, which, in my opinion, is too episodic.

“Some Like It Hot”: I have never seen this film, but, unless “some” refers to greedy oil executives, the title does not hold up.

“Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”: The characters should have done more to stop the world from ending instead of just wandering around, looking for love. Maybe some sort of grassroots social revolution calling for comprehensive climate-change policy and social reform?

“Up in the Air”: The immorality of all that flying is never really addressed. Who is offsetting Clooney’s carbon emissions? Do offsets even work?

“Interstellar”: This is a spoiler, but I wish that a grassroots social revolution had saved humanity, not the last-minute introduction of a futuristic technology.

“Transformers”: I don’t like kids thinking that gas-burning vehicles are ever on our side.

“Finding Nemo”: Lulls us into a false sense of complacency. Just because Nemo is safe now doesn’t mean that the rest of the ocean does not need saving. What about all that coral?

“Love, Simon”: Great movie but I was too distracted by how nice the weather was the entire time. What is with all the blue skies? This does not seem natural.

“Monsters, Inc.”: Even if harnessing laughter as a form of energy was economically viable, would the monster politicians beholden to Big Scream implement it? Not without pressure from some sort of grassroots social revolution, I don’t think.

“The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared”: Jealous of his lifespan.

“Eighth Grade”: Sad about Gen Z’s lifespan.

“The Fate of the Furious”: Too many cars.

“Cars 3”: Too many “Cars.” Why does everything have to be a franchise?

“Sorry to Bother You”: Very glad it ended with a socialist revolution, but when I saw this in theatres it was a hundred and ten degrees outside, so for personal reasons it will always be a trigger for me.

“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”: I don’t want to watch a movie about the climate crisis—movies are for escapism! Stop making me sad.

“La La Land”: I liked it.

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