911 Audio Details Scene After Crash That Injured Kevin Hart 4 September 2019 AP News A – Snopes.com

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A 911 call released Wednesday describes the moments after Kevin Hart was seriously injured after his muscle car crashed on a mountainous Southern California roadway.

The witness describes a man believed to be Hart and telling a dispatcher that he “looked like he’s hurting.”

The eyewitness account is part of 911 audio recordings released by the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

A California Highway Patrol collision report says the actor was a passenger in a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda that went off Mulholland Highway and rolled down an embankment early Sunday.

The report says the crash also included passenger Rebecca Broxterman and Jared Black, who was driving. The witness also described Black as appearing to be seriously hurt.

The CHP says Hart and Black suffered “major back injuries.” Hart’s wife has said the actor-comedian will be fine.

The accident, which remains under investigation, occurred on a stretch of road in the hills above the city of Malibu.

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