Save Planet? Know 5 Facts About Eco-friendly Fashion – CEOWORLD magazine

Global warming exists, whether you want to believe or not. The effects of global warming are slowly coming to the forefront and we know that things are different from what they used to be. Thus, it becomes imperative that we, as a community, start changing our ways and contribute to the development and strengthening of a healthy environment which we and our future generations deserve.

One of the ways eco-friendly steps have been taken is through fashion. Yes, we have eco-friendly fashion nowadays which is aimed at tackling the ill-effects of unsustainable fashion trends and replace them with positive influences of another kind of fashion—sustainable fashion.

Sustainable or eco-friendly fashion is basically a movement involving a shift in the fashion system and implementing methods which do not impose too much on the environment. It is a wholesome movement which considers not only the producers but also consumers. However, there is much to this movement than we think there is, and I am going to give you some insight into the world of eco-friendly fashion.

Here are 5 facts about eco-friendly fashion which might interest you:

  1. Fashion Is A Major Contributor to Global Warming
    You might think that fashion may not be a huge contributor to global warming, but I have got to say that you will have to change your belief. If you did not know already, the footwear and apparel industry together account for a total 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. In case this surprised you, hold on because I have got more to tell you. The fashion industry is presently at the third spot for being the highest polluting industry across the globe. Reportedly, 20 percent of the total world’s wastewater is generated from the fashion industry. You see, clothing your body costs so much to the environment!
  2. Eco-Friendly Fashion Is Not necessarily Expensive
    While I will not deny that eco-friendly fashion is not as cheap as non-eco-friendly fashion, this, however, should not be construed that the former is only expensive. In fact, eco-friendly clothes are becoming less expensive and more affordable. There are brands such as Versace and Stella McCartney which are engaging themselves in the production of eco-friendly fashion. So, you can stop believing in the myth that eco-friendly fashion is not affordable. If consumers across the globe contribute, the prices will fall even more.
  3. Fast fashion is dangerous
    Wait, Fast fashion? Hold on, I will explain what that is. Fast fashion is, as the name suggests, fast in nature. It is one of the reasons why the fashion system has been corrupting nature so much. Fast fashion signifies easily accessible, cheap fashion which allows consumers to switch speedily. That is, we tend to dispose of old clothes much quickly because of which waste is generated more quickly than ever.
    Consumers enjoy this continuous flow of fashion choices, and this affects nature. But, you may want to contribute towards the preservation of nature—and I have a suggestion to make in that regard.
    Extend the life of your clothes and footwear. Even if you extend by 6 or 9 months, you can help to reduce environmental damage by as much as 30 percent. Imagine!
  4. Bamboo Clothing Is Not Sustainable
    You might have heard of bamboo fabrics. There is a belief that bamboo fabrics are sustainable in nature. However, in reality, this is not the case. It is so because bamboo may have excellent regenerative capabilities but requires a lot of toxic chemicals to convert bamboo into a garment-suitable fabric.
    Next time someone suggests you bamboo fabric, you know what you have to tell them!
  5. It Starts From You
    Fashion Industry will not engage in eco-friendly fashion unless there is an incentive. This incentive should come from you, the consumers, who drive the industry and make it what it is. Presently, only 15 percent of the world’s consumers recycle their clothes—and the number is quite disappointing.

If you have to make a difference, then you will have to mend your ways. Start prioritizing quality over quantity and accept the three magic words “Rent, Reuse and Recycle”. Once you do that, you will do a great service to the environment and feel good about yourself.

Top eco-friendly clothing brands

  1. DL1961.
  2. Threads 4 Thought.
  3. Pact.
  4. Amour Vert.
  5. Cienne.
  6. People Tree.
  7. United By Blue.
  8. Alternative Apparel.

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