‘Thor’ Star Tessa Thompson Teases Valkyrie as Marvel’s First LGBTQ Superhero – Hollywood Reporter

Thompson was talking about her character Valkyrie, who will be appearing the the fourth Thor movie, now titled Thor: Love and Thunder, which will also see the return of Chris Hemsworth as the Norse god and Natalie Portman, who will play female Thor.

This isn’t the first time the actress has openly talked about her character’s sexuality. Ahead of Thor: Ragnarok‘s release, Thompson talked told Rolling Stone that director Taika Waititi pitched her the character as being bisexual, as she is portrayed in the comic books. (Waititi will be returning to write and direct Love and Thunder.) However, the film itself did not address her sexuality. Thompson’s comments suggest that will change in Love and Thunder.

Valkyrie would be the first LGBTQ superhero in a Marvel movie. 

Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has long promised the MCU would include an LGBTQ  hero. Filmmakers The Russo Bros. included the studio’s first openly gay character in Avengers: Endgame. Co-director Joe Russo played a gay man lamenting the loss of his partner in a Captain America-led therapy session in the most recent installment of the Avengers series.

“We’ve done four of these films and it was incredibly important to us to have a gay character represented somewhere in one of these four movies,” Joe Russo told The Hollywood Reporter ahead of Endgame’s release. “We felt so strongly about it that I wanted to play that character in the film.”

Thor: Love and Thunder opens Nov. 5, 2021.

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