Tidbits, gleanings and gossip from your Museum Center – Ledger Independent

It was one small step for man, and … well, you know. This summer marks the 50th anniversary of mankind’s giant leap, and “NASA centers, museums and even entire cities are gearing up to celebrate, planning late-night moon parties, symphony performances and alien autopsies.”

Coroner Dave Lawrence has sent all his aliens to Roswell, New Mexico and I have no way to get into Hanger 84 so, we are unable to do any alien autopsies at KYGMC. However, we do plan several events this summer to celebrate the history of flight and aerospace. Come work through the Maze of Mission Aerospace in the Calvert Gallery and make planes and rockets, see how Gyroscopes work and examine the forces of flight. In The Wormald Gallery you can learn about the history of flight and celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Lunar Landing and the 40th Anniversary of the Space Shuttle era.

On June 29, at 1:30, KYGMC will be honoring “Captain Wiggly Wings” Gail Halvorsan. After World War II, a defeated Germany was divided amongst the victors — the U.S., Britain, the Soviets and France. The Soviet Union took control of the Eastern half of Germany; the Western half was divided amongst the U.S., the British and the French. Like the rest of the country, the capital city of Berlin, sitting dead in the middle of the Soviet-controlled Eastern half, was also divided into four parts, one half being Soviet controlled, and the rest divided amongst the others. “A four-power provisional government, called the Allied Control Council, was installed in Berlin. This union of governments was to control and rebuild the city of Berlin.”

It was apparent that the Western Powers’ plan to rebuild Germany differed from the Soviet Union’s plan. “Currency, German Unification, Soviet War reparations, and mere ideology were among the many differences the two sides had.” There would be no compromise and Stalin wanted the other forces out of Berlin.

“Stalin ordered all American Military personnel maintaining communications equipment out of the Eastern Zone” (Soviet controlled Berlin). The Soviets blockaded rail, road and water access to Allied controlled areas. There would be no more supplies from the West.

“Diplomacy failed, ground invasions were planned, and World War III was on the brink of existence!” How were they to get medicine, food and fuel to the Occupation forces and the people of Berlin — by air of course! Come to the museum Saturday the 29th and see models of the planes that flew during the Berlin Airlift, learn about Operation Vittles, Uncle Wiggly Wings and experiment with parachute drops.

On July 6 at KYGMC, make straw rockets and get a little Rocketry 101 at 1:30, July20 — make space food and between June 25 and July13, make an appointment to have one-on-one help to build a real rocket that will be shot off at the Aviation Celebration on July 16 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Fleming Mason Airport. The Mason County and Fleming County Libraries have a summer reading program that will take you “Out of This World.” Keep checking out our website at www.kygmc.org for any space-tacular additions!

Readers may email questions to [email protected] @Kentucky Gateway Museum Center, Maysville, KY

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