Walmart removes 'Impeach 45' clothing after boycott threats

Ryan Fournier, chairman of the coalition Students for Trump, who tweeted Tuesday, “Walmart, why are you selling Impeach 45 baby clothes on your website????? What kind of message are you trying to send?” He included a photo of a $16.95 onesie with a one-star review. ‘ data-reactid=”28″>The clothing, which includes T-shirts, sweatshirts, football jerseys, and baby clothing, was first spotted by Ryan Fournier, chairman of the coalition Students for Trump, who tweeted Tuesday, “Walmart, why are you selling Impeach 45 baby clothes on your website????? What kind of message are you trying to send?” He included a photo of a $16.95 onesie with a one-star review.

The tweet traveled, drawing disgust from Trump fans and prompting demands to boycott the company.

Your company is a disgrace to our American Children. You really want to sell Anti-Trump merchandise for children of our nation that can’t even vote or have no voice #babyonesies. Sam Walton is rolling over in his grave.

— Gloria Keating (@gfwkeating) July 3, 2018

Yet many people felt the outrage was hypocritical.

The conservatives who said Trump had a right to say kneeling NFL players should be fired because it’s his free speech now want to boycott Walmart for selling a simple tee shirt. What happened to the free speech argument now?

— Carlos (@bIazingxmexican) July 3, 2018

Trump supporters are going to #BoycottWalmart?!? Yeah, good luck with that. Most of his base is in small town America where their only big store IS Walmart! Where else can they buy their Budweiser, guns and white sheets?

— Chris Allen (@thewalkingyotes) July 3, 2018

One Walmart employee even voiced his gratitude for the message.

The company also sells “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) items, including baseball caps and mugs.

“Bulletproof — Black Lives Matter” after the National Fraternal Order of Police charged the retailer with “profiting from racial division.”‘ data-reactid=”48″>In 2016, Walmart pulled T-shirts bearing the phrase “Bulletproof — Black Lives Matter” after the National Fraternal Order of Police charged the retailer with “profiting from racial division.”
