DP Buzz: Medicaid expansion

Editor’s note: DP Buzz is an interactive feature of the Daily Press Opinion Page. We email weekly questions on issues and topics affecting Peninsula-area citizens. Each week, subscribers can choose to weigh in with a short answer. Here is a sampling; all responses are posted at dailypress.com/opinion. To receive DP Buzz questions, email [email protected] with the subject “DP Buzz.”

This week’s question: With a budget deadline looming, what should the General Assembly do regarding the question of Medicaid expansion?

I say leave Medicaid at its current level. Just because revenues are up is no need to pump more into Medicaid. Local government needs more help with education.

Buddy Rilee


There should be no question. More than 300,000 low-income individuals in Virginia need medical care. The people of Virginia have spoken and party affiliation should not hold our elected officials from doing their job for the welfare of the entire Commonwealth.

Gloria R. Champine

Newport News

Approve it. The General Assembly has already lost billions due to several years of delay. No telling how many sick Virginians went untreated and hospitals closed since 2010.

Al Riutort

Newport News

Stop fighting! Despite serving the individual and not the general welfare, which is unconstitutional, SCOTUS ruled Medicaid and all the social welfare programs are constitutional. Republicans need to get over it and take advantage of what is offered Virginians. Opt out when/if the feds renege on the promised funding.

Joe Blumber

Newport News

The General Assembly should implement Medicaid expansion in Virginia. There are many needy people in Virginia who can’t afford medical insurance and would benefit from this. Federal government funding will cover most of the costs, so this is a great deal for the state and for the individuals covered.

Paul Ruffle

James City County

Medicaid expansion has to be based on fiscal reality, “our” Commonwealth’s ability to pay for it forever going forward. Nice to do, but bankrupting the system for current enrollees for the smaller percentage that does not have it would hurt all involved.. Free clinics are there to help those without health insurance.

Herb De Groft


Many of us senior citizens are completely dependent on Medicaid. Reducing it or cutting it of will create hardships, as many do not receive any other form of retirement. If we worked all our lives at the minimum wage, you’ll know we have little or no savings. Have a heart.

Toni Beacham


Wow, expansion of yet another program that primarily benefits Democrats, funded primarily by Republicans. How can that lose? Let me count the ways. Translation: the GA should be looking out for taxpayers. Ever hear the story about the perpetually energized goose that laid golden eggs? Nope, me either.

Don Lovett


I read that our state rainy day fund was dwindling. Virginia must be smart about providing services. I suggest we have more community-based clinics. Diabetes patients on Mondays, pregnant women on Tuesdays, heart patients on Wednesdays, cancer patients on Thursdays, etc. We must live in the real world.

Melinda Webb


Here’s a novel idea: Assign a Medicaid recipient to a taxpayer with medical insurance. That recipient will then be added to that person’s insurance policy and the government folks are happy. Everyone has medical coverage and they don’t have to raise taxes.

John Grant


The Republican-led state senate must approve expansion of Medicaid to bring health care coverage to thousands of our fellow citizens, to bring billions of dollars of federal money to our economy, and to preserve the bond-rating of the Commonwealth. Doing anything less is a failure of leadership.

Benjamin Cuker


The budget deadlock is due to pure ideology not money. Medicaid expansion would benefit over 300,000 Virginians and it is being paid for, for the most part, by the federal government. How can state senators really sleep at night knowing they are hurting 300,000 of their fellow Virginians? assembly needs to pass the bill for the benefit of Virginia.

Talbot N. Vivian


The excuses over the years for not including expansion are nothing more than smokescreens for the fact it was part of the Affordable Care Act. Expand it and appoint a bi-partisan panel of health professionals to oversee and make recommendations to improve the system and keep it affordable and running smoothly.

Jo-Ann Mahony


They need to expand Medicaid. It will help with health insurance for more Virginia residents and is also needed to provide more services for those with disabilities. The latter needs have been ignored to a large extent by the GA for years.

Andrew Byrne


The General Assembly should have the wisdom of Solomon. This Commonwealth and the U.S. has been fighting selection of health care delivery for generations. We have available all forms of heath care delivery, from socialized medicine to single payer to fee for service. We should choose accordingly.

Robert Neely

Newport News

From what I have learned in reading the articles in the Daily Press, I believe that the members of the GA are asking the right questions in seeking a resolution to expanding the contoversial Medicaid issue: clients ability to work, hospital tax, future cost to state, etc.

Ross Kearney


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