Dreams, magazines and a growing fashion business
Where do you see your business in 10 years?
Manuel Tiscareño hesitated to answer the question. It took the local bridal fashion designer a few seconds before responding, “I see it as a bad thing to be publicly ambitious, but not internally.”
After landing in the pages of Harper’s Bazaar en Español, there’s nothing quiet about Tiscareño’s growing bridal couture business. One of his gowns was featured in a four-page spread — including the interior cover — inside the magazine’s April bridal edition.
The exposure in Harper’s Bazaar, he said, generated interest from a bridal fashion week in Mexico City, which would give his brand even more recognition.
“In 10 years, I want to see Tiscareno Bridal Couture impact the lives of as many brides as possible,” the designer finally answered the question.
Photo Gallery: Tiscareno Bridal Couture fashion show

Ayssa Villarreal, 20 of Weslaco wears a gold Halo that was inspired by Byzantine rrt. Villarreal was one of the model’s in the Tiscareno Bridal Couture fashion show April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center.

Ayssa Villarreal wears the Ava gown designed by Manuel Tiscareño, who showcased his “Acanthus” collection during a bridal runway show April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center.

Ayssa Villarreal, 20, of Weslaco wears a gold halo that was inspired by Byzantine art. Artists would create religious paintings and guild the images with gold leaf, including halos, which inspired Manuel Tiscareño’s latest collection, “Acanthus,” which he showcased during a bridal fashion show April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center.

Manuel Tiscareño’s “Acanthus” collection bridal runway show included 15 different dresses and looks inspired by Byzantine art and medieval floral motifs. The local bridal couture designer produced a fashion show earlier this month to introduce the new collection.

Manuel Tiscareño makes adjustments on Ayssa Villarreal’s wedding gown. Villarreal is wearing the Ava gown, which was the finale dress for Tiscareño’s fashion show April 13 in McAllen. The show’s concept came about after the bridal couture designer dreamed that he was at a fashion show that was inspired by Byzantine art.

Ayssa Villarreal walks down the runway wearing the Ava gown of the “Acanthus” collection by Manuel Tiscareño.

A model walks down a runway April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center wearing a Tiscareño Bridal Couture gown.

Models prepared backstage before the start of the Tiscareno Bridal Couture fashion show April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center.

A model walks down the runway wearing a Tiscareno Bridal Couture wedding gown April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center.

Madison Harris ,16, of Harlingen wears a floral head piece along with jewelry from Nancy Velasquez before the start of the Tiscareno Bridal Coture fashion show April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center.

Ella Ochoa, 17, of Sharyland and Anahi De La Garza, 18, of Brownsville are seen backstage before the start of the Tiscareno Bridal Couture fashion show April 13 at the McAllen Convention Center.

Manuel Tiscareño is a second generation designer and entrepreneur living in the United States and Mexcio. Tiscareno Bridal Couture was featured in Harper’s Bazaar en Español. Tiscareño is seen during his bridal runway show Friday, April 13, 2018m at the McAllen Convention Center.
He’s on that path with five show rooms for his custom bridal business on both sides of the border by the end of spring. Tiscareño was also contacted by someone in Liverpool, England to sell his gowns in their store. It would be the first time his dresses would be up for sale in Europe. That potential buyer became interested after coming across Tiscareño’s Instagram account.
To go along with his custom bridal business, he owns Von Lei Bridal, a wholesale line of dresses available in his studio and 10 stores in Mexico. Tiscareño, originally from Aguascalientes, Mexico, also owns a wedding banquet hall in San Juan, where he moved with his family when he was 6.
On April 13, his latest collection — inspired by Byzantine art — was revealed in a fashion show at the McAllen Convention Center. The show paid homage to his mother, Laura Medina, who died last month.
“I had this dream that I was watching a fashion show,” Tiscareño said. “(The models) had these beautiful capes and halos. I was a guest of the show. I was watching it and thinking, ‘Wow, whoever did this is pretty cool.’
In that dream, his mother was in the fashion show with a halo. The model of the finale dress of the show was stylized with a halo ala Byzantine art.
“I really believe when an idea wants to come out, it will find a vehicle,” Tiscareño said about his ideas for fashion shows. “I think designers, artists and writers are just mediums for that. I really do think so.”
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