Anthony Scaramucci Torches NY Post Gossip Queen: 'Living Off of Others People's Pain'
Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci served up some late night Twitter fire, ripping New York Post gossip queen Emily Smith and her infamous tabloid team at Page Six.
“Ugliest person there is on the inside. A person with no morals or journalistic standards,” Scaramucci tweeted late Thursday evening, along with a grainy image of Smith. “Living off of others [sic] people’s pain. @PageSixEmily beware! She will stop at nothing to hurt innocents. Especially your children.”
Ugliest person there is on the inside. A person with no morals or journalistic standards. Living off of others people’s pain. @PageSixEmily beware! She will stop at nothing to hurt innocents. Especially your children.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) March 16, 2018
“The face of a vicious lowlife animal trying to destroy my family. @OriginalFresca @PageSixEmily it’s time to fight back,” he added, throwing in Page Six writer Francesca Bacardi. “@PageSixEmily @OriginalFresca enjoy family break ups and children having to be raised separately and Co-parented. It must be miserable.”
Also Read:Scaramucci Slams John Kelly Over Handling of White House Officials ‘Smacking Up Their Wives’
The face of a vicious lowlife animal trying to destroy my family. @OriginalFresca@PageSixEmily it’s time to fight back.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) March 16, 2018
.@PageSixEmily@OriginalFresca enjoy family break ups and children having to be raised separately and Co-parented. It must be miserable.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) March 15, 2018
The Mooch’s ire was likely stirred by Page Six revelations that he had been in “an ‘intimate’ conversation Thursday” with Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle. In the past, the column has reported on speculation of an affair between Scaramucci and Guilfoyle amid marital problems between Scaramucci and his wife Deidre Ball.
In an interview earlier in the day, Scaramucci told TheWrap that he was trying to repair his marriage after initially filing for divorce last summer.
Trump is known to regularly read the New York Post and once regularly graced its gossip pages decades ago.
The Mooch versus Page Six flap got so intense that it generated a side spat between Scaramucci and Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera.
“Be cool @Scaramucci Thick hide is the mark of a true tough guy,” said Rivera, a noted tough guy himself.
Be cool @Scaramucci Thick hide is the mark of a true tough guy
– Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) March 16, 2018
Scaramucci wasn’t listening to Rivera’s advice.
“I am not a tough guy Geraldo. There is a line and that animal crossed it.”
I am not a tough guy Geraldo. There is a line and that animal crossed it.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) March 16, 2018
“Yikes bro she’s doing her job. She works for #PageSix not #Fortune,” Geraldo shot back.
Yikes bro she’s doing her job. She works for #PageSix not #Fortune
– Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) March 16, 2018
“She isn’t doing her job. Get you compass back together. That is complete utter clickbait nonsensical trash,” Scaramucci responded.
She isn’t doing her job. Get you compass back together. That is complete utter clickbait nonsensical trash.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) March 16, 2018
Anthony Scaramucci Out: 10 Things That Lasted Longer Than His White House Tenure (Photos)
If President Donald Trump is to be believed, the U.S. economy is making a roaring comeback. Job security, on the other hand, is a different story — at least judging from the recent personnel tumult in the Trump administration.
On Monday, news broke that now-former Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci had been given the heave-ho after a wild ride lasting a mere 10 days. In the interest of perspective, TheWrap presents 10 things that lasted longer than the Mooch’s White House gig.
Sean Spicer’s run as Communications Director (once he was promoted to the role while still serving as White House press secretary). Hey, remember way back last week, when a month and a half seemed like a brief tenure as Communications Director? That was before the Mooch came along with an epic “Hold my beer” moment.
Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kris Humphries. Reality TV queen Kardashian provided plenty of late-night punchlines in 2011, when her marriage to NBA player Humphries ended with a divorce filing after 72 days. Now it looks like a marathon union, when placed next to Scaramucci’s White House run.
William Henry Harrison’s presidency. Harrison’s presidency lasted a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it 31 days before he succumbed to pneumonia, making his presidency the shortest in U.S. history. But it still managed to last three times longer than Scaamucci’s White House run.
The average house fly. According to the good folks at Orkin, house flies generally live from 15 to 30 days — still longer than the latest insect to inhabit the White House lasted.
Gary Busey’s coma. “The Buddy Holly Story” star and general Hollywood curiosity Busey ended up in a coma in late 1988, after getting into a motorcycle accident. The coma lasted a relatively lengthy four weeks and change, and he probably still got more done during that time than the Mooch did in his White House run.
The Dodgers’ recent winning streak. The Boys in Blue managed an 11-game victory streak from July 4 to July 19. While fans no doubt wished the streak had lasted longer, it still handily beat out the Mooch’s run.
The 12 Days of Christmas. While Scaramucci’s riotous White House run might have seemed like the gift that kept on giving, it was ultimately no match for this festive Christian season.
“Cavemen,” the TV series. Back in 2007, ABC decided it was a good idea to air a TV series based on a GEICO ad campaign. It wasn’t, and while the widely reviled series deservedly died a quick death, it still lasted longer than Scaramucci’s reign.
Scaramucci’s second marriage. Just days after Scaramucci’s White House appointment, his wife Deidre reportedly filed for divorce from him after three years of marriage — an eternity compared to Mooch’s White House tenure, and also probably a seeming eternity in Deidre’s mind.
Pope John Paul I’s papacy. The former Albino Luciani’s papacy came to an abrupt end little more than a month after it began following his September 1978 death. While that might seem like a short run, the abbreviated papacy, The Mooch’s White House run still didn’t have a prayer of beating it.
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Let us put the Mooch’s brief-but-wild stint into perspective
If President Donald Trump is to be believed, the U.S. economy is making a roaring comeback. Job security, on the other hand, is a different story — at least judging from the recent personnel tumult in the Trump administration.
On Monday, news broke that now-former Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci had been given the heave-ho after a wild ride lasting a mere 10 days. In the interest of perspective, TheWrap presents 10 things that lasted longer than the Mooch’s White House gig.
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